Lighting errors from levels and persistent level

I’ve got the same light objects duplicated across Level0(persistent level), Level1, Level2 even though these lights exist in different levels, it is complaining I can only have one set that’s set maybe in the persistent level? but if I remove them and keep the lights only in the persistent level, those lights don’t affect the other levels, what to do?

Also how do I would I view level 2 while working in level 1?

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Easiest thing is to open the level in the persistent level, and edit it that way :slight_smile:

Ahh I think I get you, so I’ve got Level0 open the persistent level, but I’ve double clicked Level1 which switched the ‘Current Context’ window to Level1 so I would assume I’m actually editing in Level1 with Persistent levels lighting

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Yes! :smiley:

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All working lovely now! thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

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Great :slight_smile:

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