I am trying to build the large scene with 20 identical rooms.
(1) *Room contains one stationary spotlight with
intensity: 0.5, inner cone :90, outer cone: 90, and attenuation radius: 1800.
(2) Level has stationary directional light with
intensity: 3.0, indirect lightning intensity: 1.0, volumetric scattering intensity : 1.0.
(3) Stationary Skylight with
indirect lightning intensity: 1.0, volumetric scattering intensity : 1.0.
(4) LightmassCharacterIndirectDetailVolume, LightmassImportanceVolume and PostProcessVolume. Here is the light mass settings
After the building the lighting i got these results.
There is the lighting bleed in the corner as well as at the intersection of the walls.
(5) Here are the lightmass density sceenshots.
It’s working with 4 Rooms. But Unable to work with 20 or more rooms.
I also tried to build the scene with UE 4.14 and UE 4.17. I got the similar results.