Lighting Artifacts

Hi all,

Anyone know what is going on here? (image attached)

As you can see after building the lights a repeating artefact appears. My light map is set to UV1 with resolution 2048 and, even though messy, there are no overlapping UVs in my light Map. (image attached)

Cheers in advance


Hi juoolz,

You’ll probably want to organize your UVs to get a cleaner appearance for your lightmap. Even though you may not have any overlapping UVs it’s still imperative to have have an efficient UV to keep your Lightmap resolution as low as possible while still baking good information for nice shadows.

Looking at your second image you’ll also want to make sure that you’ve set the Lightmap Coordinate Index to 1 instead of 0, as is the case with your object here.

To better understand lightmapping and lightmap layout check out World of Level Design for their information. It’s a really great resource that covers a lot of issues with Lightmapping.

If you have any questions feel free to ask! :slight_smile:


Ha thanks Tim sometimes its the obvious things!

  • thanks for the link already checked it out and it cleard up…well all of my issues :slight_smile:

Glad to hear that worked! Feel free to ask anytime you’re having issues! :slight_smile:
