i have my level set to night but i can’t figure out how to make the inside all lit up what would be the best way to achieve this?
A post process volume with auto exposure settings enabled and adjusted to bright interior levels could work. Uncheck “Unbound” in its Post Process Settings and set Blend Radius to 0, Blend Weight 1, and a higher priority than the outside post process volume if there is one. It has to get lighting from somewhere, so rect lights and point lights would probably work because it’s a mall…spot lights too.
that works i do have one other question is there a way to turn it off while ingame? wanted to be able to turn the power off and on with a switch
Create a blueprint that calls that post process volume (PPV) upon interaction with a switch or other trigger mechanism (if/then, timer, etc), and set the on/off condition(s). I’m not sure exactly how to set it up, but that’s a step.