Light Settings Look Different in game vs when rendered

I’m new to UE4 so forgive me if this is a noob mistake.

I have a scene ready in UE4. When viewing the scene in the editor or in game mode it looks great.

However when I try to render the scene using the level sequencer the rendered version has so much more light than what it shows in game. Like the whole screen is virtually white. Here are some screen shots to compare:

The only thing I can think of that might be causing this is that I baked in the lighting for the scene sometime near the beginning. However halfway through my project I decided to go fully dynamic.

So what I did to get rid of the light-maps is I hid my entire scene in the world outline panel (by turning off the eye). Then I rebuilt the lighting with everything off, and it seemed to work because in game mode the lighting looked like the first screen shot you see.

However is it possible that these old light-maps are still there which make a mess for the rendered settings? Is there anything else I should look for?

Thank you so much for your time and help!

Edit: These are the settings I have under the “world settings” - “Lightmass” area:

Lightmaps: | 0 Lightmaps

Packed Light and Shadow Map Texture Size: | 1024

Force No Precomputed Lighting: | Checked


Maybe I’m wrong but I could never “exclude” meshes from light build just by turning the eye off… I had to set them as not visible (detail panel) and also turn off cast shadow…
So it could be that you still have them in the scene but in your view mode they are overlapping and you see your desired dynamically lit scene…
I might be totally wrong! :wink:

Thank you for your reply! I tried what you suggested, but at first I was still getting the same results.

However by pure coincidence as I was editing the meshes to turn off cast shadows I accidentally deleted my skylight without realizing it and VIOLA! Everything was back to normal! Thank you so much even though your answer didn’t directly fix it you still helped!

So somehow the problem was my skylight settings. It showed differently in the editor than in the render, but when I deleted the light and put it back in the scene everything is working now. Thanks again!