Hi, I’m experiencing some light leakings in my scene and I know that it is a know issue, I already went several posts about it.
But none of the answers seem to correct the problems. I’m joining some screenshots
To describe a little more my scene, I’m making an architectural visualisation of an apartment. I have 1 directionnal light and I am using several pointlights (static mobility) to add enlighten the rooms.
Here are the settings I tried:
- Adjusting lighmap resolution to 512 - I don’t see the point going further than that
- The meshes double sided
- Shadows double sided
- Tweaking Indirect lighting smoothness to 0.6
- Tweaking Static level Scale to 0.75 and to 0.5
with no success
I finally noticed that the pointlights are making the leaks appear after some tries.
The best results (less leaks) are with those settings:
- Static level Scale : 1
- Lighting quality : 4
- Indirect Lighting smoothness : 1
I actually don’t know what to try now, my last hypothesis is that maybe my meshes are too thin and let pass light through them.
Are pointlights the best solution to enlighten a room without sunlight?
If anyone has any advice or clue, that would be really appreciated.