Whenever i try to change from day to night mode my scene loads and the intensity of the lights washed out.
There are a few viewmodes to debug this, like Lighting Only or Lighting Complexity.
It feels like all your materials are emitting light. You aren’t using unlit materials or putting anything into Emissive, right?
The next thing is that you could have a nefarious lighting source in your project. You can hide objects and hide lights in the outliner until the problem goes away. If you’re using Ultra Dynamic Sky you might find a Moon directional light hiding in your scene and blasting meshes from a weird angle.
Start from the ground up. Delete all lights, only turn on the essentials, and specify the exact Exposure you want. Then add in more elements to see what is causing the problem.
This happens only for few minutes after that it come back to its original lighting, and answering to your question about using material , i am using the unlit material and no emmissive material is there in the project
Lumen does take time to accumulate samples for the GI, so a harsh transition from day to night would result in some unwanted lighting. But what you have here is pretty extreme, and if it lasts for minutes, that’s strange.
If you are using unlit materials, those objects will be given to lumen as emissive surfaces that contribute to lighting. Be careful with those.