First screenshot is before I build the lighting
Second is a picture I took after building… The whole building has weird rectangles of light and dark no idea whats gone wrong… It shouldn’t look worse after building xD Any ideas?
First screenshot is before I build the lighting
Second is a picture I took after building… The whole building has weird rectangles of light and dark no idea whats gone wrong… It shouldn’t look worse after building xD Any ideas?
Hey Scottc91 -
Take a look at our Lighting Troublshooting Guide on the Wiki. That should help you find and solve the cause of your problem.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Thanks figured it out my movable light had cast static shadow enabled and my skylight also had cast shadows turned on which must of messed up shadowing on the build
Hello! What exactly did you do. You just turn off cast static shadow on light? Or on skylight? I has the same problem and don’t know how to fix it. Thank you!
On my directional light make sure it’s movable and cast static shadows turned off. My sky light I just turn off cast shadow, hope that helps!
Thank you! I turned off cast shadows, but it won’t work for my project. I just delete my skylight and place default new one, and it works! Thank you guided on the right path!