Lets Recreate The Amazing stylized art style of Bidoof’s Big Stand (Pokemon)


Hello UE Artists!
I saw this video one day and was fascinated with the stylized look, so I set off on a mission to achieve it in UE.
This are some snapshots of how it looks like


The Main features of this stylized art are the Rim light and Crayon like edges.

-For Rim Light I manage to use a Fresnel to fake the lighiting. A great example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyyNbkcPPOE&list=PLoO-sLeAEBmKTwW6CWxKviwkb8AHWGO1Y&index=49

-For the Crayon like edges I managed to find post processing ways to achieve it, here a great tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWCponhcSao&list=PLoO-sLeAEBmKTwW6CWxKviwkb8AHWGO1Y&index=52

Here is a progress of it:

This is where I got stuck, I couldn’t manage to make only the edge crayon like. The Post Process applies the effect to the whole object, I try finding ways for it to only effect the edges of an object similar to an outline.

I hope some UE Experts out there could help out with this situation! Stylized art is truly amazing and I hope people could also learn how to recreate this beautiful art style too!

I’d probably start by looking at other edge detection and edge shading techniques to use as a mask for applying the edge distortion.

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