I am currently working on a snowy scene in UE4, and I am trying to set it up so that I can paint on the landscape with two different types of snow to add some variation, instead of the EXACT same texture for the entire thing. I had this set up in a different project of mine, and I appear to have used the exact same nodes, exact same settings, values, and everything. However, when I do it in this scene, it simply turns my entire world black. Nothing works. Here is what my node editor for my material looks like initially, without the layerblend.
Here is what that looks like in game:
Now, I try attaching the two different snow textures I have into the layer blend and into the base color:
And now, my landscape looks like this. NOTE: Rebuilding the lighting does NOT fix this.
Granted, this is not the full node system that I plan on using for the material. It’s going to get more complex from there. I was able to narrow it down to the fact that I am clearly doing something wrong with the layer blend node, however. Is there a reason why it is not showing up? Here is what the details page of the LayerBlend node looks like.
I would love it if I could get some assistance with this, as I feel like I followed the Unreal Documentation to a tee, and while it worked before, I cannot remember what I did differently.