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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

Unreal Revision Control


After the latest season dropped today, there seems to be a huge problem with launching any sessions.
I have a UEFN Project that was initially named “DoNotFallDown” in UEFN. However, with the public launch the name was changed to “Block Drop Arena”.
When logging in today and trying to launch a session, I kept getting this error message:

“VersePath field ‘/localhost/DoNotFallDown’ of uplugin file ‘C:/Users/…/Fortnite Projects/DoNotFallDown/Plugins//DoNotFallDown.uplugin’ is expected to match project Verse path ‘/questbox@fortnite.com/Block_Drop_Arena’”

I also tried changing the local project name to match the error message (“Block Drop Arena”), as well as changing the .uplugin file to the target value (/questbox@fortnite.com/Block_Drop_Arena’) - with either one of these changes I did not receive the error. However, this results in connection error (when launch session is clicked and connecting commences inside Fortnite) from what I assume is the project not finding the correct files to download to the local user session.

I believe it is somewhat caused by what this bug was trying to fix - Can’t launch session (GetFilenameOnDisk returned a non-matching filename) - #12 by Jimbohalo10

Steps to Reproduce

I assume this can be reproduced by creating a new project locally, publishing it under a new name and then trying to launch a local session with the project being named the previous one.

Expected Result

Game launches successfully - my project was working completely fine until the new Season dropped. This is 100% a fact because I was working with the project up until the servers went down and it was launching just fine.

Observed Result

I receive error ‘“VersePath field ‘/localhost/DoNotFallDown’ of uplugin file ‘C:/Users/…/Fortnite Projects/DoNotFallDown/Plugins//.uplugin’ is expected to match project Verse path ‘/questbox@fortnite.com/Block_Drop_Arena’”’.
Local session is not launched.



The status of FORT-779763 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Cannot Reproduce’

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Editing that file to what it expects works

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I tried it already, but it had no effect.
After I changed it to match what it says, no errors were given when launching, but while downloading the project inside Fortnite while waiting in ‘the box’, the session goes back to Fortnite lobby after some time and UEFN displays “Session disconnected”.

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the “Session disconnected” is most likely unrelated to the original VersePath problem

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upon opening the project, UEFN is supposed to automatically update the uplugin file VersePath if it doesn’t match the project Verse path
I’m very much interested in any information/logs that could help figure out why it’s happening in some cases

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This is my log,
It always takes me back to the lobby.


I’m getting similar issue, here is my log

LogValkyrie: CheckPackagesNeedResaveToPassValidation took: 1.797199 seconds
LogValkyrie: Gathering intermediate assets to delete took 0.0 seconds
LogValkyrie: Intermediate assets cleanup took 0.0 seconds in total
LogValkyrieSummary: Starting Project Upload - https://content-service.bfda.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com/project/#/acc032d4-4b06-6d3c-c412-7f94a95882cf
LogValkyrieSummary: Syncing project AVIUMFallGuysTycoon
LogValkyrie: Saving project source control settings to disk took 0.00 sec
LogValkyrie: Syncing project AVIUMFallGuysTycoon with content service took  1.24 sec
LogValkyrieValidation: Display: Selecting allow lists for role 'VKCreateUGC'
LogValkyrieSummary: Project AVIUMFallGuysTycoon up to date
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Prepare for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97: GetRootModuleInfo
LogValkyrieSummary: No active session for current user. Creating new session.
LogValkyrie: Play succeeded.
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97: GetProjectContentPackage
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectUploadSize for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectDownloadSize for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Cancel for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97 - Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.
LogGameFeatures: Error: Dependency file:../../../FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/SaveTheWorld/SaveTheWorld.uplugin failed to transition with error GameFeaturePlugin.StateMachine.Registering.Plugin_Missing_GameFeatureData
LogGameFeatures: Error: Dependency file:../../../FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/SaveTheWorld/SaveTheWorld.uplugin failed to transition with error GameFeaturePlugin.StateMachine.Registering.Plugin_Missing_GameFeatureData
LogGameFeatures: Error: Dependency file:../../../FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/STW/STW_Irwin/STW_Irwin.uplugin failed to transition with error GameFeaturePlugin.StateMachine.Registering.Plugin_Missing_GameFeatureData
LogGameFeatures: Error: Dependency file:../../../FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/SaveTheWorld/SaveTheWorld.uplugin failed to transition with error GameFeaturePlugin.StateMachine.Registering.Plugin_Missing_GameFeatureData
LogGameFeatures: Error: Dependency file:../../../FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/SaveTheWorld/SaveTheWorld.uplugin failed to transition with error GameFeaturePlugin.StateMachine.Registering.Plugin_Missing_GameFeatureData
LogGameFeatures: Error: Dependency file:../../../FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/SaveTheWorld/SaveTheWorld.uplugin failed to transition with error GameFeaturePlugin.StateMachine.Registering.Plugin_Missing_GameFeatureData
LogGameFeatures: Error: Dependency file:../../../FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/SaveTheWorld/SaveTheWorld.uplugin failed to transition with error GameFeaturePlugin.StateMachine.Registering.Plugin_Missing_GameFeatureData
LogGameFeatures: Error: Dependency file:../../../FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/SaveTheWorld/SaveTheWorld.uplugin failed to transition with error GameFeaturePlugin.StateMachine.Registering.Plugin_Missing_GameFeatureData
LogGameFeatures: Error: Dependency file:../../../FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/SaveTheWorld/SaveTheWorld.uplugin failed to transition with error GameFeaturePlugin.StateMachine.Registering.Plugin_Missing_GameFeatureData
LogValkyrieAccount: [UValkyrieOnlineInstance::ApplyUserPreferredQoSRegion] Region Auto: ASIA
LogNet: Warning: Channel name will be serialized as a string: ValkyrieBeacon
LogValkyrieSummary: Valkyrie Beacon Connected!
LogValkyrieSummary: Connected to Session: 2c5dd09e03264a8abe854d3058d68193
LogValkyrieSummary: Session Setup Complete. About to Send Content!
LogValkyrieSummary: Checking for if the project can be uploaded
LogValkyrieSummary: Starting Project Upload - https://content-service.bfda.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com/project/#/acc032d4-4b06-6d3c-c412-7f94a95882cf
LogValkyrieSummary: Syncing project AVIUMFallGuysTycoon
LogValkyrie: Saving project source control settings to disk took 0.00 sec
LogValkyrie: Syncing project AVIUMFallGuysTycoon with content service took  1.80 sec
LogValkyrieSummary: Starting to upload file for module creation
LogValkyrieSummary: Successfully created module
LogValkyrieSummary: Creating Module Version
LogValkyrieSummary: Sending Content Update
LogValkyrieSummary: Calling UpdateContent on Valkyrie beacon with: ProjectId(acc032d4-4b06-6d3c-c412-7f94a95882cf) SnapshotId(77b08f17-d503-4503-899f-062fcd11a973) ModuleId(d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97) ModuleVersion(250)
LogValkyrieSummary: RPCing content cook request to server: ProjectId(acc032d4-4b06-6d3c-c412-7f94a95882cf) SnapshotId(77b08f17-d503-4503-899f-062fcd11a973)
LogValkyrieSummary: Project AVIUMFallGuysTycoon up to date
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Prepare for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97: GetRootModuleInfo
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97: GetProjectContentPackage
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectUploadSize for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectDownloadSize for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Cancel for d20ec080-43f5-474d-3d2e-14a9b16c0e97 - Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.
LogValkyrieSummary: Server Summary - Successfully activated content on all platforms

It was fine before the update.
And yes, opening the project does update the uplugin file. But I got the matchmaking error and back to the lobby everytime I press the Launch Session


Our major project, which is set to be released in two days, is encountering issues, and without clear error messages, we are at a loss for what to do…

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Another issue with this update is that the entire lobby randomly freezes and then players get sent back to the lobby.
(not sure if it happens on all maps)

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I can create new world from blank template and launch it just fine. I can even launch larger projects that have been published for months without errors.

But on this project I was working on yesterday I get the cook error today. :frowning:

LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Prepare for 8ce815cc-403a-6a70-eef4-138a9ca13553
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for 8ce815cc-403a-6a70-eef4-138a9ca13553: GetRootModuleInfo
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for 8ce815cc-403a-6a70-eef4-138a9ca13553: GetProjectContentPackage
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectUploadSize for 8ce815cc-403a-6a70-eef4-138a9ca13553
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectDownloadSize for 8ce815cc-403a-6a70-eef4-138a9ca13553
LogValkyrieActivityTracker: Warning: Session → Fail Activity: LoadingNewContent - Error updating content
LogValkyrieSummary: Failed to update content due to error.
LogValkyrieSummary: Destroying Valkyrie Beacon
LogHttp: Warning: HttpRetry: Resetting log verbosity to Warning due to requests being retried
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Cancel for 8ce815cc-403a-6a70-eef4-138a9ca13553 - Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.

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Yep, this is also happening on our map. Players freezes in place and everyone gets kicked back to lobby (map 7263-8300-7933)

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Hi All,
Running the game 7314-4269-5911 get a ping rate of max 263ms there was a glitch of >400 ms
Launch in Creative fine and stay in game but red lines and wireless red icon.
Still just very laggy like Battle Royale this morning.
Fell back to lobby in BR 0800 utc gmt, 1940 GMT 1141PT

This is similar ping 265 ms on Creative

I found the cause! Any of the Niagaras present in the project were adversely affected!
After deleting all the Niagara in the project, the session loaded!

After deleting all our Niagara’s in our game we got this to work. Thanks!

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Cannot launch edit session for project intended to launch with new season. Fails out with a cook failure;

[2024.08.16-20.53.33:808][382]LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Cancel for b9e9c58d-45a2-d62d-77b6-688093ad3871 - Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.

The project was uploaded and unlisted during 30.40, tested and prepared to launch (Private Version Code 3906-8483-6804 ). With 31.00 clients cannot connect and play the map.

I have fixed all validation issues for all assets in the project (ctrl-a all assets and run validation runs clean), I have also speculatively tested deleting all niagara assets, neither resolves the issue. Waiting on a fix from Epic to get this project out.

The game fixed itself today without me changing anything :man_shrugging:

hi Fortnite servers taken down at 00:00 GMT emergency shutdown. Battle Royal died with 40 people they had to fix it :+1:
Now you see the power of voting up a problem together :joy: