Larger specular highlight for eye material

I have been trying to get a larger specular highlight on the eye material found in the Content Example folders. It’s possible to do this by changing the light settings, but those lights also affect the scene.

Is it possible to get a larger specular highlight like this by doing something in the material? The specular and roughness are clamped to 0.0 - 1.0, so I can’t ramp them up really high.

Is there an option in the material settings or some clever shader math?

Thanks a lot!

Where did you find the shader in the content examples? name of the scene?
I’dd really like to take a look at it :slight_smile:

You can download and open this content from our Content Examples project. Open up the Character Rendering map and you will see the eyeball example.


Hey Snow,

This shader is quite specific and there are settings exposed within the material instance which control the specularity for specific parts of the eyeball. You can modify these settings as well as create a new light actor and set it to a specific light channel. You can then set eyeball to that light channel so it adheres to the light settings and does not affect other objects in your scene.

Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.


Ah great, thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks, Andrew.

‘Specific’ is a nice word for it c: None of the parameters in the material instance can make the highlight big and exaggerated. I was hoping to modify the material, but I’m not sure the material system even supports this.

I have been using light channels, but the feature requires the eyes, tear line and tear duct to be separate actors from the rest of the head. This makes blinking animations very difficult.

I don’t suppose there’s a way to do light channels by material?