landscape material auto-blend material fuction error

hi i want to make a material with 3 textures for terrain, but one of the materials I have texture by heights and the others are normal using brush. as I do? materials function gives failures with “lerp”

fail normal maps. help

Instead of using the alpha output from the world aligned blend node, use W/ Vertex Normals for the lerps between normal maps.

Yes the problem going on here is that the WorldAlignedBlend blends using PixelNormal by default. You cannot use the pixelnormal to blend between normalmaps because that is like a circular expression. If you read the tool tip for the output you used it should mention that.

You can also just specify another texture sample of one of the normals to use it. If you were blending between rock and grass for example, you’d probably want to still use the Rock normal to blend which would require a second sample of the rock normal going into “In Explicit Normal”. Then you use the w/ Explicit Normal output.

(use traductor sorry)
good and I managed to make the ground with a base texture to shape the terrain, use 2 textures this base position. and also add layers of texture to add manual. now I need to know one thing. You can make the texture change depending on the “height” of the land? for example, make mountains and say that “a texture itself” from a certain height go changing to another. this can be? understand the question?

bueno ya he conseguido hacer el terreno con una textura base que al moldear el terreno, éste utilice 2 texturas de posición base. y además añadirle capas de textura para añadir manual. ahora me falta saber una cosa. se puede hacer que la textura cambie dependiendo de la “altura” del terreno? por ejemplo , hacer montañas y decir que “una textura en si” a partir de cierta altura se vaya cambiando a otra. eso se puede? entienden la pregunta?

This should help you: 3D Modeling & Texturing: [Unreal Engine 4] Automated Terrain Texturing

Hey, I’ve seen you post on a few thread regarding landscape materials, I was wondering if you had any insight on the use of the built in SlopeMask and HeightLerp functions?

Disregard the inputs, needed to quickly shrink down an existing material to demonstrate my setup


Height Lerp performs Blend Modulation. It takes the input “Transition Phase” and uses the “Height texture” to break up the input gradient. It looks to me like you are doing it correctly.

I have actually never used slope mask. Looking at it, looks like the ‘slope angle’ input is mis named. It should really be the Slope Vector, since all its doing is a dot product with that vector. Ie, if you want to extract all slopes you would simply use 0,0,1 for the vector there. Using 1,0,0 would allow you to select all the faces facing the X direction instead for example. Think of it more like a lighting mask to the direction you specify. Then the power and contrast just make the result sharper.

every time you make any changes or add some nodes … compile … complie 2000 4000 … any way to change this in the unreal editor? it is eternal…

If you’re adding nodes there’s not a lot you can do, but if you’re changing values you could use Scalar Parameter nodes instead of constants. Then when you change the Scalar values, you should see them reflected in your material in the viewport editor, then you can save the changes once and compile instead of having to compile every time you tweak any values.


Also, wait for the shaders of the material to compile first so your not stacking shader tasks on top of eachother.
I also recall a trick to get the shaders to compile faster, I think it had something to do with changing the priority in the MS task manager to below normal. I stopped doing this as after a while because it broke my ‘shader cache’

Additionally, you can check your project settings under rendering. At the bottom is a section on shader permutations. If you disable anything your project doesnt need, you could bring down the shaders counts.