Landscape blotchy shadows

Hello, I’ve been trying to bake the lighting on my scene, but my landscape is creating some very weird results just in the parts where elevation changes. In this image here, the black lines are pathways that are sculpted in. I have no idea why the shadows are acting this way but one important thing is that all lights MUST be baked. The project does not support any dynamic lighting.

If there is even a way for the lanscape to recieve shadows without casting on itself that would work as well. I really appreciate any help

Couple of things you have to do:

  1. Increase landscape lightmap resolution:


You don’t have to wind it up too much, because you also have:

  1. Make sure your directional light is stationary ( not static ) and enable:


Try about 1200 for starters.

It means most of your level is static, but just the part close to you is dynamic, give it a go…

Actually, sadly, after spending hours trying to fix this myself and posting this question, i fixed it by simply moving the level around. although no other floor planes were visible, i suppose something was colliding and causing the weird shadows. Thanks for the reply, i’ll leave the post so others can find your answer