Landing map and then travel to game


I’m developing a multiplayer game for the first time.

The game starts on an empty level with a blueprint widget to let the player set his/her name. When the name is set, all the players have to go to the same map. Now, I’m using OpenLevel, but they don’t go to the same map.

One player is a Listen Server and the other is a client. What do I have to do to travel all the players to the same map?

I’m testing the game in Unreal, where one player is a listen server and the other is a client.


They need to connect to the same IP Address, here is a tutorial about it: How To Create A Multiplayer Game In 8 Minutes | Community tutorial.

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@EliasWick , thanks a lot!

I have understood how it works.

But now, I’m curious about how session works. Do you know any good resource to learn about sessions?


I have another question:

Reading I have found the ServerTravel command. Your solution and ServerTravel, are the same thing?


I don’t have any great resources unfortunately. There probably are a bunch of them. I suggest you start looking at the Unreal Engine website and on here and then proceed with other sources like Discord or the Reddit community for more guidance and help.

The solution I sent isn’t using Server Travel as far as I am aware. You simply connect to a server when using someone’s IP address. Server Travel is something else, but important to understand.


I have done what you have suggested me, and I get this error: Why is the client's level reloaded when the server runs OpenLevel?

Thanks, again.

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