July #UE4JAM, July 23-26th, Theme: ROCKET AND ROLL

Serial Krillers

The world’s most underrated crustaceans are lining up to try their luck at a bottle rocket/rolling marble obstacle course!


*- Dual gameplay (flying and rolling!)
- Spiffy graphics
- Sound effects AND **music *(made by yours truly)!!
- New krill and gear every race!


Controls: WASD to move, Enter to restart, Escape to exit.

Team Name: Serial Krillers
Team Member: bzxo
Submission Name: SerialKrillers_SerialKriller

FreshTec’s submission: Space Fall

Hello fellow game jammers! Here is our submission. We decided to come into this late so we only used 24 of the available hours! Oh dear!

Team Name:

Name of Submission:
Space Fall

Graeme Little (Twitch / @)
AtecStudios VictoryForPhil (@victoryforphil)

Space Fall is a game about a futuristic astronaut trying to escape certain death on an a space station spinning out of control. The character has to race the clock as their oxygen runs out and reach an escape pod in time. They can use rockets to give themselves momentum and break past obstacles. (Had we given ourselves more time we would have had more in terms of starting and ending zones, and some cool other features. We actually might finish these up and release a more complete game in a week or so.)

If your browser says it’s not commonly download it just right click and press keep.

Pic or it didn’t happen:

More info:
The sound track is an original by myself, but I did not write it during the game jam time period. It has not being used in any public release thus far. You can grab it here: Stream Courage by Destiny of Grandeur | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

This is my first time, please be gentle :3 When the theme was announced I thought it would be cool to have a game where you shoot rockets to clear way for rocks to roll. That was the plan, and with that was born the game “Rocket then Roll”. You literary have to shoot rockets before rolling :3 Extremely fun project to create, learned so much about Unreal and even some “under the hood”.


Team Name: AranHase
List of Team Members: Allan Yoshio Hasegawa (AranHase)
Name of submission: AranHase_RocketThenRoll




Video (Uploading):

Important notes:

  • The game is extremely resource hog. Beware, it may fry your GPU or use all your Virtual Memory.
  • The character does not have a weapon. I don’t know how to use 3D modelers yet. Sorry :3
  • Killzone is just below the “Drop Zone”, so the character will just vanish (Thanks to for debugging it)
  • I rewrote almost the entirety of the “ProceduralMeshComponent” to speed up things. Let me know if you want to take a look :slight_smile:
  • This is my first time coding on Windows. I hope i haven’t compiled the code using weird/uncommon CPU instruction sets. Please, let me know if it doesn’t work for you.

Our first Game!!!
Team: SaedGD
**Members: **

Game Dire Valkyries

**Controls: **
Movement: ASDF
Shoot: RMB, LMB
DJump:Double Space

Mecha deathmatch arena with multiplayer support


" has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."

Let me know when I can send you a message so I can send you our emails!

Team: Myself and me
Member: William Bustamante “Woeavatar”
Game: Survive the Song

your rocket as fast as you can in a proceduraly generated rocky maze, going slow will reduce the volume of the rocky music, and low music means DEATH.
The maze will continue until the song ends.

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zthle8xjk6vez6o/SurviveTheSong.rar?dl=0



These games all look super polished. Well done and best of luck to you :slight_smile:

Can anyone take a glance at my crash log? I’ve been mucking with it for nearly 3 hours, and unfortunately, I have to admit defeat this game jam.

Is that an edge shader using the normal layer? I started working on a project for the gamejam that looked literally identical to that screenshot, didn’t start until late so I haven’t finished / entered in time but I thought it was weird, same colours and style and similar game concept by the sounds of it. Downloading :smiley:

Post processing effect, with emissive materials and altered skybox though.

Hopefully it isn’t the same gameplay at least! :stuck_out_tongue:

It seems like there is some division by zero going on somewhere. Maybe this causes the crash.

I saw those lines. I didn’t write any code for the game, just blueprint. So, I didn’t intentionally use FMatrix. The answer hub you linked mentioned ISMs, I use those in several blueprints.
I don’t think the localization error messages are killing the build. I think I’ll try removing some ISMs and see what happens. I really want to get this built and posted before I have to sleep.


Yeah, super late, I’m fine if you disqualify me for that or the fact I’m using a Doge Meme, but it’s my first time and stuff and I really really didn’t want to say no to this GameJam again, so I tried it with a friend I meet online, mimimi… here it is <3


Team Members: Ninjin, Callirius
Dogeventures Episode 1: Dogeball

Everything you need to know is in the Readme, except you can also jump with spacebar and take care, the game sounds are loud <3.
*Hopefully this one is good enough for a laugh… or 2 <3.

Went to pm you our info and " has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space." :smiley:


great submittions!

I had some problems with the cooking, so I won’t make it in time, I will still upload it after work if I’m getting it to work (so in about 12hours from now), I doesn’t really matter if don’t make it into the submissions…
Had great fun while prototyping :slight_smile:

“good design is not when you have nothing left to add, it is when you have nothing left to take away”

Met a cool dude at the Vancouver Vive jam last weekend. Spent this weekend with him. This is what happened.

Team name = and

Submission Name = Nexsumo

Download Link = Dropbox - Error

Description = Sumo Balls

Two to Four controllers are needed for the optimal experience (However a single player “target practice” mode will activate if launched with only keyboard)

Yup, can’t submit the info. Will check later tomorrow to see if he’s able to get messages. :stuck_out_tongue:

It was similar, except rather than bouncing from pinball things it was firing rockets which “rolled” around curves / walls.

I was using the same shader as I made for this: Twitch along with emissive things. Great minds eh ;}

Need permission to download D:

Can you make this public?

I still get this message when I try to fullfill the PM part of the submission :smiley:
" has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."