July #UE4JAM, July 23-26th, Theme: ROCKET AND ROLL

Team Name: Alderbit
List of Team Members: Alderbit
Name of Submission: Alderbit_RollYourBoat

Download link: https://.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0Bwkk9IIFWMFbR3hhMm82ajY5VU0

Description: Battle your way through an endless fleet of fighter jets and submarines! Will you survive? (spoiler alert: no you will not!)

Tips: Blast enemy rockets out of the air with your own!

First Time Game Jammer

Title - Rocket and Roll Target Range
Team - Bruce “Demolition Man”
Link - http://.google.com//folders/0B7_FRT-laK3KVHZjOVFQUmVLQ2M

A Simple target range. I had bigger plans but with only 4 days this is what I could get finished. There’s a Video sample of the game at the link along with the game.


Jump - SpaceBar, Gamepad Face Buttom Bottom
ScoreDamage - Delete (i.e. Debugging item, scores damage on player)
WeaponFire - Left Mouse Button
WeaponAiming - Right Mouse Button
WeaponReloading - R (i.e. not really used but there for the future)
CameraView - Middle Mouse Button (i.e. changes camera viewpoint from chase view to top view)
PlayerTaunt - T (i.e. send a random audio taunt)
ScoreAKill - K (i.e. debugging item to test kill routine)
RecordADemo - Num * Key (i.e. starts recording a demofile to disk)
QuitGame - Escape key
GameCredits - C
Toggle Debugging Displays - Num - Key

Forward - W, Up, gamepad left thumbstick y-axis
Reverse - S, Down
Right - D, Gamepad left thumbstick x-axis
Left - A
TurnRate - Gamepad Right Thumbstick y-axis, Right, Left (scale -1.0)
Turn - Mouse X
LookUpRate - Gamepad Right Thumbstick y-axis
LookUp - Mouse Y

Files are currently uploading. Sorry but my upload speed is terrible.

Hi, this is my first game made for a game jam, hope you guys like :slight_smile:

Team Name: Tendi Team
Team Members: Edison S. Prata Jr(TendiOne), Davi S. Prata

Submission: TendiTeam_RocketAndRoll

Download: http://www.tendi.com.br/RocketAndRoll/TendiTeam_RocketAndRoll.rar

Description: A turn based local multiplayer rocket deathmatch with destructible meshes.

WASD/Left Stick - Move
Mouse/Right Stick - Look
Mouse Right/Left Trigger - Aim
Mouse Left/Right Trigger - Fire
Enter/Start - Pause the game/start the game
Escape/Back - Back to the menu(while on the pause screen)
Escape/Back - Exit the game(while on the title screen)

Long time lurker, First Time Jammer :smiley:
Team Name:
List of Team Members:
Name of Submission:

Download links:=sharing

Description: BattleBalls5000 is a 2 player local mulptiplayer competitive game, where the objective is to use your battleball to knock your opponents’ battleballball off the arena…that didn’t sound wrong at all. Each player gets 5 respawns, last man…I mean ball standing wins! ( Now that i think about it, 4 player would probably be more fun)
Controls:**(Use Gamepad for game and mouse for Menu)
Left Analog stick - Movement
B - Fire Rockets
A - Jump/Bounce/Respawn
X - AOE Impulse
Y - Dash ( Broken)


Team Name
DreamFix Studios

List of Team Members
** )

Submission Name

Download Link

Keyboard Controls
WASD - Movement
Mouse Movement - Rotate Camera
Space - Jump
Right Mouse Button - Transform

Controller Controls
Left Thumbstick - Movement
Right Thumbstick - Rotate Camera
A - Jump
Right Trigger - Transform


Half Ball, Half Rocket… Bocket! The goal is to complete the level in the fastest possible time, collecting all the checkpoints along the way.
You as a Bocket must complete the course travelling through these checkpoints that require you to be in your ball form or your rocket form.
There are a few (unmarked) zones where you are forced to stay in a certain form.

Can you beat our times!? Let us know :slight_smile:

Dev Best Times
Level 1 - 08.46s
Level 2 - 05.98s
Level 3 - 18.50s
Level 4 - 15.55s
Level 5 - 48.21s
Level 6 - 30.09s

Post Notes

This time we didn’t pick something too large for ourselves so we were aloud to get some sleep. Even though we wanted to make more levels,
make things better and add customization to the ball (Which was done just couldn’t be saved), we are happy with the final result and enjoy our
own game, competing with our friends to beat their time.
Everything but the clouds and few other particles were made by us during the Game Jam, this adds some time but makes the whole learning experience
better and a more unique finished product. Splines are now my favorite part of UE4 they are amazing. :smiley:

Hope you all enjoy the game as much as we enjoyed creating it.

Team Name: SigiGames
List of Team Members: sigi0073
**Name of Submission: ** SigiGames_SpinToWin

Download link: Dropbox - SpinToWin.zip - Simplify your life

**Description: ** Spin to Win is an endless flying game where you avoid obstacles. Spin to accumulate points and don’t crash!

**Controls: **
Use the left and right mouse buttons to rotate.
Use the cursor to move your mouse around the screen.
Buttons 1 through 4 on the menu are used to adjust the quality settings. In easy mode you don’t have to spin but you don’t get points.
Left and right arrow keys or A and D keys can substitute for left and right mouse button, but a mouse is highly recommended.

Edit My first ever packaged game!

First game made in UE! Was a lot of fun, super frustrating, but a lot of fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Team Name: Sike Games
Team Members: ,

Submission Name: SikeGames_RocketRollingAliens

Download Link:

Description: Fight 1v1 against a friend and murder them with your giant rocket bomb! Roll your rocket into the back of your opponent to win!

So this game can control a bit funky.
Player 1 controls with W, A, S, D or the D-Pad on a gamepad
Player 2 controls with the arrow keys or the face buttons on the gamepad…

So you can play the same controller if you want to feel awkward!

Hey , I tried to PM you but your private message box is filled up! You could just message me on this account I check it daily, thanks!

Submitting a comment here because we’re probably gonna be uploading our project in under the wire, possibly a couple minutes late. Team of 5 and been working since the theme was announced, tons of content, so we hope not to get disqualified for getting in a bit too late. Packaging right now. >_<

[edit] Wow, we’re getting a “failed to open descriptor file” on every build we do of the game, trying to trouble-shoot why this is happening. Everything is done in blueprints, so we’re not really sure how to solve this since code isn’t involved.

Team Name: LlordDominik and Friends

  • Jesse Lloyd-Dominik - Game Design
  • Mattan Dangus - Music
    Submission: LlordDominikandFriends_RocketBall

Rocket Ball is late for lunch. Get there on time. Blow stuff up, roll around obstacles. Eat (Blow up) your lunch if you make it

WASD: Roll
Space: Jump in place
Left Mouse: Rockets
Right Mouse: Charge Speed Boost (Hold to charge)

Link: Rocket Ball

I unfortunately didn’t have much time to work on the game. I was luckily able to through together some music with a good friend.

EDIT: I accidentally had the file set to private. It can be downloaded now.

**Tank **

Team Name: Skullkitty
**Team Members: ** Azarus(Programming), Bokuden(Level Design), Yannas (2D/3D Art, Visual FX), Shaun(3D Modelling), (Audio)
Submission Title: Tank

Game Play Video:

Download Link! Click Here!

**W **- Forward
S - Backward
A/D - Turn Left / Right

Space - Place Dynamite (Melee Attack)
Left Mouse Button - Tank Cannon (Normal Attack)
Right Mouse Button - Missiles (Secondary Attack)

Aim with the mouse. And shoot.

Game Rules:
**Game Mode: **Team Death Match
Game Mode: Team Death Match

Total tank mayhem! Survive as long as you can in this multiplayer battle royale.

Target your missiles with the Right mouse button. Left mouse button to shoot the cannon. Shooting a player in the back is a one-hit kill. Drop some dynomite to leave a surprise for your enemies.

How to play?
This game is multi-player. I recommend at least 4 players.
One player has to click Host Server. All the Other players has to click Join Server. Type in the IP Address of the host then press Join. (UE4 Usually listens on the 7777 port. If that’s not working then try to increment it.)
The game might require the host to open these ports.

IP to play On:

Hi, this is actually my first game, if I can say so :slight_smile: Maybe my 4wins windows forms game AI had more logic, but yep.
I messed around with the UT99 editor 15 years ago. Little bit of mapping, mutator coding and voice-packing. So I was pretty happy when i realized that UE4 is a full editor and not just a c++ library ^^ :slight_smile:

Team Name: Marooney
Team Members: Leitner
Name of Submission: Marooney_TheRollingRockets

Download Link: Dropbox - Marooney_TheRollingRockets.zip - Simplify your life


Team Name
List of Team Members
Ats Kurvet
Name of submission
Additional info
It is is a weird multiplayer motorcycle battle/figure dancing game, with little to no rules except not to stop and Steam is required for online play supported by the serverbrowser. Controls are visible ingame, controller usage heavily recommended.

Team Name : The Bruno Special
Team Members : Aaron Leaton, Niky Leaton, Bruno Brito
Submission : Dino Rokket
This is a multiplayer game run on steam, so you need steam open in order to join/host!**
Forgot to mention Pickups
Rocket = fires a rocket infront of you, will home if you are aiming at another player
Mine = It blows up when people touch it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Shield = Stops all items from affecting you
Swap = Switches your Position and placement (including lap count) with a random player
Meteor = Fires meteors at 1st players location
Speed Boost = makes you faster than a pterodactyl on speed! *

WASD = Movement
Mouse = Aim
Left Mouse Button = Activate item

Objective : Get first! Show those other Dinos who’s the real Primordial Boss!

Download by clicking RIGHT HERE](Dropbox - DinoRokket.zip - Simplify your life)

Patched Version Here!

Team Name: Skipy_Games
Team Members: Domen Oman (skipyC), Toni Čadež

Submission Name: Rocket Arena

Link: Rocket Arena by skipyC

WASD: move
(While in air) A/D/L_Shift/L_Ctrl: Roll (Left/Right/Up/Down)
Space: Handbrake
Mouse Left: Shoot minigun
Mouse Rigth: Shoot rockets
Tab: Change camera (Recommended to change at the beginning​)
R: Restar vehicle
I: Restar map (…If an enemy goes missing)

Info: A vehicular combat area shooter.

This is our first game ;).


Hi guys,

We’re so glad to be able to participate to this jam, that’s a wonderful idea.
I hope it’s not too late to submit… (upload is really slow)

Team name : Sliced up Dudes.
Team members : Myself, Thibaut Petiot, Emiliano Meurant, Swann Klein and Meryl Mariatte.
Name of Submission : Samurai Rocket

Description :
Free for all up to 4 players (local only). You can jump, do a wall jump when you’re close

enough of a wall, run and fire anywhere. Every time you shot in a direction, you will roll in

the invers direction.

Controls :
asd / left stick : run.
space bar / Face Button Bottom : jump.
E / Face Button Left / Face Button Right : shot.

The direction you shot is determinated by your last move direction (so use wasd / left stick

to orient your rocket).

Menu navigation use D-pad and not stick.
After each player (at least 2) has chosen his color, J1 must press Special Right Button to

start the game.

Download link : https://.google.com/file/d/0BxDfln1aIsYJcHlIOUJ0Mkg4Mzg/view?usp=sharing

We hope you’ll enjoy this game.

Bye !

Starting up Twitch stream, prepping stuff now, but will start playing soon!

First time game jammers here! Started a tad late, but lots of fun :slight_smile:

NOTE: Multiplayer, best played 3v3. Solo is possible though, but lacks challenge.

Bart (Bart_95) - Programming / Design
(Tim_Tivaru) - Design / Blueprint / Audio
Laura - 3D models / Design

DOWNLOAD: Dropbox - KABOUNCE!_0.3.rar - Simplify your life
DOWNLOAD 0.31*(CHANGELOG @ bottom of post)*: Dropbox - KABOUNCE!_0.31.rar - Simplify your life
VIDEO: - YouTube

Pink vs Blue team multiplayer (up to 3v3)! Rocket pinball style. Roll and bounce through the level, use rocket boosts to become a guided missi… eh flying pinball? Change the arena in your team’s colour, and score the points before the opposing team does. The team with the most points when the time is up wins.

We are a programming student (Bart) and a Design student (Me) at NHTV’s IGAD. We unfortunately only ended up joining this after the game jam was already in full swing, I do want to give a shout out to Laura, a rookie who made about 18 3D models in her life, of which 12 were for this game jam. The best way to learn, under pressure! Uh… Right?

Keyboard Controls:
WASD - Move
Space - Jump
L. Shift - Rocket Boost
E - Explode

Controller (only tested with Xbox 360 controller):
Left Stick - Move
A - Jump
RT - Rocket Boost
B - Explode

Edit* 28th of July*: made the post a bit neater, added about us, fixed typo’s. Added YouTube video and added updated build version.

  • Interface consistency was bugging me, teams are now correctly called Team Pink and Team Blue.
  • Removed the pinball plunger at the spawn. Now there is no more occasional spawn physic bug.
  • Changed the name of the packaged project - 0.3 still contained the first title, it is now correctly displaying KABOUNCE!

Good luck to on Thursday and thanks for reading.

Kind regards,

**Team Name **
That’s My Raspbeerry

**List of Team Members **
Skyler Evans, Bryan Kaelin, Whitt,

**Name of submission **

Download Link](https://.google.com/file/d/0Bwp6g1OgY_IQT1VDQzZzYzdTbzQ/view?usp=sharing)

Description & Controls
Escape from a wall of deadly explosions as you avoid continuous obstacles. Use your rocket pack with spacebar to fly above spikes. Roll into a ball with shift to traverse flame throwers and to get through tight spots. Run as far as you can without getting riggidy riggidy wrecked!

late edit–I could not get this to package! It was madness. It’s late, sure, but you can probably tell by how incomplete it is that we didn’t add anything new after the deadline. I’m just really glad I was able to get this up so you can see the awesome artwork the rest of the team contributed!



Team Name: Stubbs
Team Members: Minsk
Name of Submission: Stubbs_FinalLeap

controls of wheelchair:

gamepad only…

Left Wheel: Left Stick,
Right Wheel: Right Stick
Quit: Circle/B

Try to roll down the hill and hit the blue wall as strong as you can to rocket the red cube out of the chair onto the sea.

Sorry, not really finished :stuck_out_tongue:

suggested soundtrack:

vivaldi concerto 2 - presto
bonnie tyler - holding out for a hero

or spotify: Final Leap - playlist by nummer73 | Spotify

Game Name: Rocket Shepherd
Team Name: Studio Giblet
Team Members: Capers (Artist), Isaiah Everin (Designer), Aaron Hamilton (Artist), Tyler Morgan (Designer), Shilts (Designer)

About the Game
You are the Rocket Shepherd! Explore strange alien worlds! Herd the rolling animals to the goal using rocket volleys from space! Protect them from violent predators that try to eat them!

The game only supports mouse and keyboard due to the nature of the gameplay. Players can choose any level from the menu, but the game plays in sequential order from the first level as well.

About the Team/Project
Studio Giblet is comprised of five students from The Guildhall at SMU (three level designers and two artists) looking to get some more game development experience over their summer break. It was coded entirely in blueprints by the designers, with all the assets other than Unreal 4 starter content being made by the team during the timeline of the game jam. The team had some trouble initially getting inspired by the theme, but they are proud of what they were able to accomplish in the end!

On-Time but Slightly Broken Build: Link (uploaded on time, but not the best build)

Mostly Working build: Link (created before 12AM, but uploaded late due to really bad internet troubles, and accidentally created/uploaded the first build twice :frowning: )

Bonus OCD Bug-Cleaned Build: Link (best for the full gameplay experience :smiley: )

Remaining known bugs: HUD indicator for animals doesn’t update correctly to reflect score; sometimes rockets don’t explode.

Development Notes

  • We had to post a development build of the game, for unknown reasons a shipping build constantly crashed to a “failed to open descriptor file” error. As you can see above, we also had some serious internet troubles, so while we have a build that was time-stamped uploaded before the 12PM EST deadline, we didn’t finish AND upload a fully working build til 3 hours late.
  • This was developed on Alienware laptops, so we’re not sure of its performance on other computers. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • The game is full of attention to detail, particularly on some mostly cosmetic game systems, but it was all done in the spirit of having fun during development above all else. Some of the interesting issues we addressed were: creating gravity for globe levels, orienting decorative meshes to a globe to make it possible to make 3 levels within the time frame, making rolling enemies that seek out and kill the friendly critters, and dynamically creating decals on the surface of the globes.
  • Due to how much time we devoted to everything else, we did not end up having time to add sound effects. :frowning:
  • Biggest lesson learned? Have to scope and plan a project even when it’s just a weekend game jam if you want to get everything done the way you hope to!
  • The team name is relevant to a system in the game that kept the team inspired throughout the project. :wink:

Edit 1, 11:20PM CST: Adding fully functional build link.
Edit 2, 12:30AM CST: Formatting and more descriptive text.
Edit 3, 2:20AM CST: Cleaned up bugs to create intended functionality on two major systems (that got messed up before the deadline due to source control), and uploaded that build. Don’t expect it to be judged for the “contest” aspect, but really wanted to have it for people interested in playing.