Join session doesn't work

I have problem with sessions in blueprints.
Server can create session with no problem and client can find session but joining session doesn’t work.
I got few pictures of my blueprint :

Player controller : ,

GameInstance :

Menu widget : ,

*ini.file :

I found this lines in log files :

GetHostByName failed (SE_NO_DATA)

LogOnline:Warning: NULL: Invalid session info for session Game in GetResolvedConnectString()

LogOnline:Warning: NULL: Can’t start an online game for session (Game) that hasn’t been created

And I have same problem in multiplaye shootout.

I have this problem with every project I made.

One moderator () was helping , I made simple project with sessions and it wasn’t working for me,I send him that project and on his end was working fine.

And I uploaded a video on .

Here is that simple project.


I had simila problem with 4.7

I can’t post log files becouse I can’t get to my PC right now.I will post log files tomorrow.

I don’t know if this is something on my end or if this is a bug with engine.

Anyone,any ideas?

Please help.

Hi man,

Thanks for your report. We’ll take a look at issue and links you’ve provided as soon as we can, and get back to you if we have any questions.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hey man,

I wasn’t able to reproduce this in a new project nor in project you provided, so it would appear this is on your end. I’m going to check in with network developers here and see if there’s anything we can adjust to make this work for you. Thanks for your patience.

Also, related to issue you were having in 4.7: that should no longer be an issue in 4.8. Are you still running with " multihome=" in your commandline?

Hey, also try putting this in your DefaultEngine.ini:


and then /attach log from file after running through create/find/join process. Thanks!

Thank you for helping me!

In 4.8 I don’t use multihome anymore.

I will upload log files tomorrow becouse I can’t get to my pc right now.

And once again thank you.

I got it working!!!

I dont know how but it works.
I installed new updates for windows and now it works.
I m so happy right now,I was trying to get this to work for 2 weeks.
Thank you for helping me!!


We have same problem, but it is reproduce only on one concrete PC with cyrillic symbols in name.

It is reproduce in editor and in cooked version.

Installation updates for windows didn’t help us.

Do have somebody any ideas how fix it?

Product Version: UE 4.9

Hello ,

Could you run through suggestion given by and let me know if this resolves your issue?

It’s doens’t work.
Here is our log, could it will help to find problems.

Thank you for additional information, I have a few more questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide and code/ screen shots of blueprints that may be involved with this issue?
  1. We reproduced it in our project and in “Shooter example”. If need we can create empty project with “Host Session” button.

  2. We just press “Host Game” button. No more other additional steps for “Shooter Example”

  3. I don’t think so. But, we has this problem at only one particular device, maybe we can give any diagnostic data from this device?

I tested this on our end, and I was not be able to reproduce this issue. I was able to join a session as expected. Does this issue also occur in 4.10 version of shooter game?

Hello ,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you.

Yes it does.

What device are you using when you are having this issue? Could you provide your dxdiag?

Here is our DxDiag