Thank you for additional information. Are you trying to connect through match browser? Or are you connecting directly via “open ip”?
Also make sure ports are open on your firewall settings (usually 7777).
Thank you for additional information. Are you trying to connect through match browser? Or are you connecting directly via “open ip”?
Also make sure ports are open on your firewall settings (usually 7777).
We aren’t trying to connect, we are trying to host a game through a menu.
And when we are trying host game, we have this lines in log:
GetHostByName failed (SE_NO_DATA)
LogOnline:Warning: NULL: Invalid session info for session Game in GetResolvedConnectString()
LogOnline:Warning: NULL: Can’t start an online game for session (Game) that hasn’t been created
After all we can’t find and connect to this session through a match browser.
P.S. - Today, we are found a problem on other device! Here is DxDiag:
link text
Did you check to make sure ports are open on your firewall settings (usually 7777)?
We found source of problem.
In our case, problem not in ports. Problem in Cyrillic characters in computer name.
I’m think it’s looks like a bug, cuz in Russian and in CIS much users use computers with Cyrillic characters in name.
We found source of problem.
In our case, problem not in ports. Problem in Cyrillic characters in computer name.
I’m think it’s looks like a bug, cuz in Russian and in CIS much users use computers with Cyrillic characters in name.
Watching this thread I had something similar but not exactly same, my issue anways wasn’t able to join a server a client on PIE. I tried what did: I changed my computer system Vorágine… (á) accent mark was in someway was causing a conflict: Renaming it solved that joining issue. Thanks!