Issues building & light building


Im having issues with building my game or the lighting, it always used to work but since I’ve moved the project over to 4.12 when I build the project I get the standard progress bar pop up the like a second later it says complete, with the message log. No loading of swarm agent and no hours of building lighting.

Is there any way I could solve this? Any help or tips would be appreciated. Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Its warnings, not errors. So it is there to notify you with possible problem ,not essentially a problem. This is the reason (copied from another page):

You will always get that warning if you import both the tree and the billboard, just because that is essentially making two different mesh elements at different LODs. At any one LOD, one of them will not be used and the other will not.

A detailed answer:

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Its not the warnings I am concerned about, its the fact that the editor will not build anything, the message log pops up after a second and the build finishes, by what I can see it has not done anything.

This all worked fine in later releases, must of just been my rig at the time or the cersion of UE4

It doesnt, we are in UE5 and stills happen