Issue with light leaks when using BSP geometry

After make an architecture with BSP, apply materials and then buld lights, I discovered that lights works diferent on static mesh and on BSP generated geometry.

On BSP generated geometry, lights leaks everywhere and trend to show up very more lighter than in a real well lighted mesh. Am I missing something or this means I cannot use BSP geometry in a map at all?

You need to set the lightmap resolution of bsp geometry to a low value (like 2.0).

Finally, a question about code I wrote!

Light “bleeding” between adjoining rooms occurs when walls between adjacent rooms are thin compared to the lightmap resolution.

When creating ordinary-sized environments using BSP, you’ll get best results using walls that are relatively thick, for example 25-50cm. When creating huge environments with BSP, make them even thicker.

If that’s not practical, you can increase the lightmap resolution, but doubling the resolution will quadruple the memory footprint of the lightmap.

I dont need convert to MESH to create a lightmap?

This… helps, yet larger the floor - thicker the wall. For large enough rooms walls have to be ridiculously thick.