Issue of"Deleted Actor" remaining in Scene outliner still persists in 4.7

Hello .first thing first , i’m very grateful to effort you guys are doing at epic . :slight_smile:

As title suggests , issue of "Deleted Actor " not getting cleared from scene outliner , still persists in 4.7 .

I’m aware that there is some topic about this, best thread was this one , which contains useful info and in end a “fix” which says issue is solved in 4.7 version of engine. :

To easily reproduce this problem , you can use "RealisticBlueprint Weapon " pack from marketplace ( i’m guessing you guys have access to market place contents ? ) and load untitled map . this pack contains best simulations for calculating projectiles that i have seen so far .

go to scene , where there is 3 blueprint boxes at 10 , 25 , 50 meters . shooting 25 or 50 meters away boxes wont cause “deleted actor” in scene outliner , but shooting 10 meters box “from closest point to it”, will generate a "Deleted Actor " in outliner which doesnt get cleared. generally shooting at something very close will generate this problem ( try shooting at your feet) . it seems spawning an actor and destroying it very very very fast , would cause this . here is pic to help clarify :

Edit : there is no need to use “Realistic Blueprint Weapon” at all to simulate this , just created a first person blueprint template , go veeeeery close to a physic Cubes which are scattered in this map , until it is literally in your face , then shoot , here you go ,persistent Deleted actor .

So is there anyway to fix this ? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hello ,

Thank you for your post. I have been able to replicate this issue internally. I have created a bug report and submitted it to developers. Jira ticket number is UE-11866 for tracking. I have also added myself as a watcher so I will be updated when changes are made. I will be sure to update this thread with any changes that are made concerning this issue.

Thank you for your patience while we work this out,

I think time i posted this was about 4.6.X engine version , 4.8-release is available now and it is still not fixed . when it is going to be fixed anyway ?

Just create a First person template , go very close to a box (closer than it is shown in picture in this tread) , shoot ! deleted actor appear in scene outliner and it never get cleared .

Hi Shadow,

We entered bug with 4.7.2, but it has not been addressed internally yet. We’ll update this post when we see any change in its status. Thanks for your patience!

Hello, unfortunately bug is still here in 4.11.2 are you still working on it or it was fixed in 4.12?

Hi Maggese,

This bug was closed as no longer reproduced. Are these steps you are taking to reproduce error on your end?

  1. Open UE4-Editor via binary launcher
  2. create a new first person template with starter content
  3. in scene outliner minimize any categories so that you can watch blank space at bottom.
  4. PIE
  5. position player so that they walk directly into one of cube meshes in scene.
  6. shoot cube continually until you have pushed it into a corner
  7. continue to shoot cube until you see several instances of “Deleted Actor” in scene outliner.

I am Destroy()-ing actors and I have same issue, my actors are attached initially to others, I detach them and destroy them, plenty of (Deleted Actor) entries remain in Outliner even if I force call garbage collector like GEditor->GetEditorWorldContext().World()->ForceGarbageCollection(true);
Happens in UE 4.13.0!

Screenshot of World Outliner

Hi nekitu,

I attempted to reproduce this in 4.13.2 and 4.14.1 but I couldn’t get your results.

Could you try reproducing it in 4.14.1 to make sure latest version didn’t fix issue? And if it does repro, could you provide exact steps and/or a small test project with issue?