I have 2 projectile types, one for the player and one for the enemy. When I shoot projectiles with the player they are destroyed after 1 second. They show up in the scene outliner and then after 1 second they are completely gone. The actor count in the scene will climb up to a higher number and then when the projectiles are destroyed, the actor count will drop back to where it was.
With enemy projectiles, on the other hand, when they are destroyed they leave behind a “deleted actor” in the scene outliner. Another weird thing is that half the spawned projectiles seem to just go away while the other half leave behind this “deleted actor”. The actor count just climbs into the thousands eventually.
Both projectiles are using “initial lifespan” in the class blueprint defaults to set their lifespans.
What could be causing these differences and are these “deleted actors” still being referenced in memory?