Island Image can't upload

Related to this post : Cannot publish islands from the creator portal (CRITICAL)

information in my post : Cannot publish islands from the creator portal (CRITICAL) - #24 by Zarx

No. I’ve done memory check, it’s green, still the same issue.

Hey, Thanks for bringing up this concern. The island image loading bar stays Gray until you hit Submit for Publishing, and then it will upload and the bar will move.


Thank you for the heads up.

Any ideas why are we getting “Submission for Publishing Failed” message after clicking on blue “Submit for Publishing” button?

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This was for sure not working before but it seems to be now.

Now however, I just get “Failed to publish” and no specific reason as to why, no matter what I enter in the details

I get this error message and can’t find out why. There’s nothing bad about it and I’ve read all the rules and I am following them all. Please help thanks!

ya i spent 2 days making a map and it wont let me use a image to publish

Can you please find a solution to this? i’ve been up for 5 hours trying to figure out how to publish a map i spent DAYS on but people can publish the same speed maps over and over again? why do people that put in no effort get to use UEFN when people that do can’t. please find a way to fix this. I dont know how much longer i can play this game if all i get out of hours of work is getting told “funny glitch haha you cant publish”

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I found a fix to the bug! Use an different computer/phone/ipad and log in and publish it on there. If you need to send the image to a separate device, email the image to yourself.

Another user here with what seems like the same or very similar issue.

I click on ‘SUBMIT FOR PUBLISHING’ but get the (Image must be 16:9 aspect ratio, eg. 1920x1080px)

The image is definitely 16:9 and under 5mb in size.

I am fully enrolled in the island creator program and this is the first island I am trying to publish.

Please help!!

could you send me the island picture once on my upload website? Then I could check what might be wrong with the picture. Just upload it to “” and send the link that is displayed there (follow instructions in the picture) so just send the link as a reply to my answer, I hope I can help you there

I’ll admit I was wrong here…

I opened the image I was trying to use in a totally basic image editor. The image size that showed was not 1920 x 1080 though this didn’t necessarily mean it wasn’t 16:9

I then went to resize and locked the aspect ratio. by making it 1920 the height became 1079. I unlocked the ratio, changed to 1080, saved it and have now successfully published my first island.

So that very tiny discrepancy in the dimensions of my image was all that was preventing the successful publication :man_facepalming:

I’m still having this problem. I’ve done exactly what you have done …

I have the exact problem. Getting crazy. The image is 1920 1080