Is this a perennial shadow problem?

A fixed directional light, plus a tree, I harvested such shadows, for performance reasons, I don’t plan to use lumen

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Are you using static lights?

Hello, long time no see, there is only one directional light and sky light in the scene, they are all fixed, not static, when I build the light, there is a problem with the shadow, I can’t solve it, so, I changed the light source to a dynamic light

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The problem is your ground mesh doesn’t have a high enough lightmap resolution.

But dynamic lights is by far the easier solution :slight_smile:

Yes, I’ve tried adjusting the lightmap resolution of the tree and the static resolution scaling of the landscape, one doesn’t work and one UE crashes

No, it’s the lightmap resolution of the landscape


I changed this value from 0.5 to 1 and it didn’t work, when I kept turning up the value, the UE crashed, my computer configuration was not very good, I understood that I had to give up using static lighting, although the optimization of dynamic lighting is difficult, but I will try, thank you for your reply.

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Yes, it would have to be on something like 8!

There is also a trick where you can use static over the whole map, but dynamic when the player is close

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