Is this a bug in UE 5.1 that when I enable nanite on Foliage with Wind, the foliage stops moving?

I created a plant in speedtree modeller with wind and then I used the wind driven by WPO and it was working really good. But once I enabled nanite, the foliage became a static object with no movement at all. Is there something that I’m missing or is it a bug?

If you are using the old “Legacy” wind in Speedtree, then it won’t work. You need to use the newer “Games” wind in Speedtree, which has a different material in Unreal. Having said that, the Games wind still doesn’t work correctly with nanite because the trees exported from Speedtree use 6 UV channels but nanite meshes can only have a maximum of 4 UV channels (as far as I can tell), so only the first level of branch wind works. Also the newer Speedtree material kind of sucks in general and takes a lot of tweaking to get the wind looking correct (e.g. the wind seems about 10x too fast and the branch rotation math is incorrect).

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Yes I’m having the same issue. I imported a tree from speed tree. The wind was working fine in 5.03 but when I switched to 5.1 and enabled wind it didn’t work anymore. A fix would be greatly appreciated.

I have the same problem. Speedtree trees wind does not work with nanite.
Other, non Speedtree, trees do work.

So i am also struggeling with the speedtree wind.
In 5.1 the wind works fine for me when i place them as static meshes, but painted as foliage the whole tree moves around, i think the shader is not using the instance origin but the foliage actors one. I tried to find a solution in the shader networks, but i think the missing uv channels are the issue as stated above. - the static mesh viewer in unreal shows 6 uv channels in the stats window, but this is just a wrong display then?
Anyways will this ever be adressed by either Epic oder the folks over at speedtree? - or should i just ditch that whole thing and move my stuff to pivotpainter wind for my foliage as a whole?

Also i think WPO loses precision in large levels with the speedtree wind when instances are placed kilometers away from the scene origin…oh well i am rambeling…sry…

thanks for any and all input!


Did you find out anything about this? I’m having that exact problem with the trees practically bending over in half with nanite enabled

Hey sorry for the late reply :frowning: but yes indeed i did somewhat at least :smiley:

no speedtree wind is simply broken with nanite, atleast to my knowledge. There is no fix that can be done in uneral to get it working again! I just got myself a copy of houdini indie and their labs trees with pivot painter :slight_smile: and this works like a charm! :slight_smile: though it was a lot of work, refactoring everything…

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You can try pivot painter. It works perfectly fine for both nanite and non-nanite foliages. But as much as I know setting up pivot painter itself is kinda difficult and less intuitive.

Hey @Daondare ,
can you tell me or may be send a screenshot on how you set up pivot painter in houdini indie? I have trying it for quite sometime but didn’t seem to get it working.

@Mridulsrmh Hey sorry, for the long wait… did not come back here last few months!
but this tutorial should show you the process of setting up and exporting a tree from houdini to unreal using pivot painter.

Hi there.
I know, it’s a bit too late, but after a week of struggling with the same issue I’ve come to this solution, it works just fine for me:

  1. Use Vertex Color in SpeedTree
  2. Add node “Vertex Color” and “Multiply” between “Handle Camera Facing” section and “World Position Offset” output in SpeedTreeMaster

I hope this could help anyone with this trouble.

I’m still having trouble with this, I can’t get the above solution to work