Is there any way I can use an HDRIBackdrop but set the background invisible (keeping the lighting)?

Hi guys!
I have a doubt, is there any way I can use an HDRIBackdrop but set the background invisible (keeping the lighting)

Yes, don’t put it on a mesh, just use it as the lighting cubemap in the skylight



thanks very much!

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and how do i remove the vision adaptation to brightness

That’s a project setting. Normally, you just turn this off

But there’s a bug in 5, it just ignores this.

A lot of people are having success with putting a post process volume in the scene and turning it off there.

I found the only way ( at the moment ) is to edit the PP component on the camera used during gameplay… :yawning_face:


thanks and sorry for the time, here it is 11:30

Is there any reason the shadows are like this?

It looks like the feet aren’t on the ground?

yes i know but it looks kinda blurry

Do you have a directional light?


Ok, put one in…

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