I have a build of the game using platform-agnostic patching (How to Create a Patch in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation)
Is there a way to use this build as a client for a server running from the UE4Editor.exe executable?
I get the following error while trying to connect:
Warning: Network Failure: GameNetDriver[NetChecksumMismatch]: GetObjectFromNetGUID: Network checksum mismatch. FullNetGUIDPath: [64]BP_Player_C_0.[66]EInventory, 634985288, 1921244034
Connecting works while using the UE4Editor.exe executable also as a client.
I am launching the server with the following .bat file:
"C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.22\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe" "Everlost.uproject" Planet -server -log -nosteam