Is there a way to determine if a Nav Link Proxy is encountered while finding a path between two points in Unreal Engine?

Problem definition: I have an AI (zombie) that is destroying a special object to reach a specific location. The object is stored as a blackboard value and is a child actor of a NavLink(To trigger Zombie attacking object on nav link reach)

The AI also uses AI Perception to react to sounds. When the AI hears a noise (such as a sound from a player), it should abandon the current task (destroying the object) and move towards the noise location.

Here’s where the problem occurs: when the AI is in the middle of destroying the object and hears the noise again, the path to the noise location might involve the NavLink used to destroy the object. Since the AI is currently destroying the object, it abandons the task but cannot reach the noise location because it needs to pass through the NavLink corresponding to the object being destroyed. This causes the AI to get stuck, as it doesn’t have a valid way to proceed.

What I Want to Achieve:

I need the AI to continue destroying the object if the path to the noise location involves the NavLink related to the object. In other words, the AI should only abandon the destruction task if the path to the noise location doesn’t rely on the NavLink used to destroy the object. If the path requires the NavLink to reach the noise, the AI should stay focused on destroying the object.
What I tried: I tried building a path between the AI’s current location and the noise location, then extracting the points of the built path. I compared the distance between those path points and the NavLink the AI is actively using. However, this approach works unstably and very poorly. The AI still abandons the task too early, and sometimes it doesn’t correctly detect the NavLink when it should.

I’m looking for a more reliable way to check if the path to the noise location requires the AI to traverse the NavLink it is currently using to destroy the object.