Is there a way to "bake" reflections for the 360 Panoramic Capture? Any ways to have the reflections on the render?

Hello, I have been trying to resolve this for nearly two days. The scene is a dark room with emissive textured panel which need to be reflected on the floor. Currently the 360 panoramic capture don’t seem to support this as there are no reflections after I take the capture. I’ve seen 360s with nice reflections on but couldn’t find guides on lighting and material settings. Would appreciate a lot if anyone could help!

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Are you using reflection captures? Because as I recall those are the only reflections it supports

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I’ve been trying with reflection captured but the reflection is distorted. Suppose I don’t use the right settings?

Perhaps a good setup of the reflection captures could work after all? I’m after a high quality reflection of each panel. In the viewport it looks great but the needed 360 doesn’t come up just yet.

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Are you using a SceneCapture actor? Or the stereo panorama plugin? My advice would be to try planar reflection for the floor. I’m not sure it will work for the SceneCapture, but if you’re using the StereoPano plugin it should.

Failing that your only option is likely to be reflection captures.

Years ago it was mentioned that the StereoPano plugin would be updated to support raytraced reflections/shadows, but as far as I know this was never done.


I tried the SceneCapture but it also didn’t capture good reflection, or I haven’t set it up properly. I will try the StereoPano now with the planar now and see if it works. I also tried to find plugins to add to UE, is there anything external that works, like Vray or anything similar?

Re-did a SceneCapture and so far produced the best result.

As other suggested you can use a capture component to generate a cube map. This can be very high quality, and then saved as a texture. Then you would use the reflection vector as the coordinates for the Cubemap sample within your material.
This cubemap can also be used reused to make a fake refraction/transparency.

Here is an example material I made that uses a cubemap for both reflections and transparency. Notice the roughness is set to 1 yet it still appear to have a sharp reflection, and that the blend mode is opaque despite having the appearance of transparency.


Hi, thank you for your reply. I added a PlanarReflection over the floor but it doesn’t work when I press Play - been looking for over 2hrs for a solution with no joy (enabled “Forward Shading”, and “High Quality Reflections” and “Planar Reflections” in the emissive material itself.
An option could be to to make this PlanarReflection work when press Play, then hopefully it would work when SP.PanoramicScreenshot. And yes, I have been using the Panoramic Capture but no point trying now as the PlanarReflection doesn’t render in Play mode.

Thank you for the material - I will put it into use Very much looks like my UE 4 option would be the cubemap capture, however I really hope the PanoCapture can do the job too as the quality seems better.

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There is a light in the tunnel!! Right, here is what the Pano is capturing now:

there is reflections on the floor, yay. Not sure where the reflection is coming from but there is just a BoxReflectionCapture.

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Any could pretty please explain what’s going on in the scene and how possibly can fix the reflections to be in place?

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I am basically after this reflection, it’s a PlanarReflection, which unfortunately doesn’t render in Play mode. Could anyone help with resolving this pretty please?

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Hi @MirelaTT, did you manage to achieve the reflections you were looking for with the PanoCam?