Is there a way to bake deformer graph animations in level sequencer into an animation sequence

I have a squash and stretch deformer graph on a control rig I am testing. Everything works in the control rig editor and the level sequence, but when I bake to an animation sequence none of the deformer graph animations are baked. I am lost on how to setup the backwards solve so that the bones get animated by the deformer graph values. Are deformer graphs able to bake to animation sequences to be used for games or am I misunderstanding the feature.
Anyone else try this with any luck?

Any help is appreciated.

I also wanted to ask the same. Thank you for asking.

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Sigh, someone asked the very question I’ve been hunting for an answer to, and lo and behold…nothing. I appreciate you asking @jakesjordan of course but I’m guessing we won’t be holding our collective breaths! :smiley:

Cheers guys

To be clear, baking is not ‘my’ intended end-goal, that would largely defeat the purpose of runtime deformers, but rather how to use a Deformer Graph during gameplay, and have it with triggered either by say an Anim Notify or fired off in Control Rig.

A modest nudge in the right direction would be invaluable!