Is there a better way to check if HMD is connected?

I am currently using

EHMDWornState::Worn == UHeadMountedDisplayFunctionLibrary::GetHMDWornState()

But for some reason, my Oculus says it’s activated even though the proximity sensor is not covered.

I tried using


but it only detects whether it’s activated at beginplay, and not in realtime.

Any ideas???

Do you check in an Tick, this should allow you to respond properly to the sensor.

virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override

    EHMDWornState::Type WornState = UHeadMountedDisplayFunctionLibrary::GetHMDWornState();
    if (WornState == EHMDWornState::Worn)
        // HMD is being worn
    else if (WornState == EHMDWornState::NotWorn)
        // HMD is not being worn
    else if (WornState == EHMDWornState::Unknown)
        // HMD state is unknown

Other option is the subscribe to the event with the OculusSDK

OculusSDK::OnHMDWornStateChanged.AddUObject(this, &AYourActor::OnHMDWornStateChanged);

void AYourActor::OnHMDWornStateChanged(EHMDWornState::Type NewState)
    if (NewState == EHMDWornState::Worn)
        // HMD is being worn
    else if (NewState == EHMDWornState::NotWorn)
        // HMD is not being worn

Hope that helps, :wink:

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