Is it possible to make a Post Process material that renders out any of the buffer visualizations (reflections only, quad overdraw, world normals, etc) on runtime?

I’m wondering if for an aesthetic choice, I could pull some of the vizualization modes from the viewport to run them while the level is running and also switching between them.

I would like to try doing a simple level where you start with the default lit mode, then switch to reflections only, then to optimization view modes like quad overdraw, and then some buffer buffer visualizations like scene depth or world normal. All of this while running the level of course.

Is there a place from within UE where you can pull these viewmodes within a shader? or is there some other way thar requires blueprints?

Hi, yes you can access some buffers by SceneTexture node in material. It’s slightly described here: Post Process Materials | Unreal Engine Documentation, but also you can find many tutorials on how to use this node.

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