I simulated a flood event in a professional hydraulic simulation model. Although they provide a very eye-catching 3D animation of the simulated flood event, it’s not interactive, and I cannot put characters in it and play around. As you probably guess, I am struggling since UE does not work that way, and I cannot simulate a specific amount of water propagating from upstream towards downstream and moving along a river from start to end. I would appreciate it if you could help.
If you simulated the flood event already, why not put the characters inside the simulation software?
I’m comparing the whole concept to what I know of Blender3D which has it’s own fluid sim, in UE4 I haven’t seen a similar system. The question is what do you need UE4 for? is it the rendering? or the physics?
If you want to apply characters + physics on top of the mentioned professional hydraulic simulation model using UE4 you’d not be using that simulation, you’d be useing UE4’s code on top of it. If that is not an issue, you’d still be limited to UE4’s default implementation of CharacterMovement or have to extend it yourself to fit the needs