Best case scenario I could use completely different light sources to light the same map for different players playing simultaneously. I don’t think post processing effects on the individual cameras will get what I’m trying to achieve. I would like it to look like the two players are playing in a dramatically different tonality of the same space. Thoughts? Ideas?
You could get your GameMode to send RPCs to the players based on conditions and then set the visibility of those lights for each separate player. You would need to store a reference to the lights you want changing in the GameMode on BeginPlay so set up an actor class which just has a light in it which you can modify at runtime. That combined with a post process effect and/or material might be able to give the look you want (seeing if a Post Process Material can achieve this effect might be worth it). If you want to use static lighting then you could look into the lighting scenario feature which lets you have different light configs as long as geometry stays the same but im unsure if you can use different scenarios for individuals in multiplayer, but it doesn’t seem likely.
Hope thats somewhat helpful!