Is it possible to find the shortest path using teleport points? (finding paths)

The idea is simple, make the AI teleport from point A to point B. Using the blue circle as the input and the red circle as the output, since the brown path is actually the shortest path and the green path is the longest.

I tried using a Nav Link Proxy as proposed in the following post but it doesn’t work. AIs still prefer to take the long route.

Is there a way to get this behavior?
Thank you so much!!

Ok, I managed to calculate the shortest path using the teleportation points… and i have the new path points too…

I just need remplace the current path points by my new path points…

Summarizing: I need a “Seter” version of this:

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-14 145508

Does anyone know?
Thank you so much!!

Ok, i got it
It was easier than I thought.
No need to change the array path points .

1-Calculate the shortest path using teleportation points
2-Send the pawn to the chosen entry teleportation point using AIMoveTo
3-Teleports the pawn to the exit point closest to the target
4-Let the behavior tree do the rest


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