So is it possible to convert a ue5 early access project into a ue5 preview version without getting problems? I tried converting it the “normal” way but some assets seem to just disappear, for example, the metahuman assets…
my materials were pretty much broken. Shadows are broken on nanite, materials were all scattered and broken…just a nightmare
Do you think this is a problem with the preview or the conversion? I’m gonna try migrating all the assets and see if that works, my landscape materials are wonky too I don’t know what’s going on.
On top of that, DLSS pluging does not work, but a fix should come soon so…
I’m not sure…how do you do a migration?
This is a video on how to do it How To Migrate Content Between Unreal Projects - Unreal Engine Tutorial - YouTube. My whole plan just failed since I upgraded my project in place for some reason smh…
oh no… no back up?
heh… I think I have one somewhere… right now I am trying to open up a downgraded version if that doesn’t work I just migrate the missing assets. I still don’t understand what’s causing this problem? Some assets seem to appear normal but others like mega scan just disappeared.
Downgrading worked but still no sign of megascan assets or like half of the other assets hopefully, this gets fixed but for me it’s too late I should start making backups lol. Tell me if you have any luck migrating the assets…
Hmm… I don’t really know what I did but the megascan assets seem to be loading well. It seems to be running on the preview since the UI is a little different but I still have to check. Seems that after loading the materials it turns out they’re a bit bugged still and the landscape appears as a different paint layer.
Maybe try changing the shadow map in the project settings? For the material idk… I do hope that Epic supports good conversion for the full releases it is just so annoying!!!
At first I had the exact same problems. Only half of my meshes and broken materials. I noticed that no space was available on my disk so had to free some. After reopening the project a couple of times (took hours) everything reappeared.
Then I always had a crash when starting to play, so I had to remove most skeletal meshes from level.
Now everything is back there but Unreal still crashes a lot randomly “due to D3D device being lost.”
OHHHH that’s how I got mine fixed I remember that I did free up some space because my project was not copying. D3D seems to be Direct3D?
Nah nothing to do with space for me, I have plenty. The only problem I had was when compiling, ran out of pagefile memory. Re uploaded my back up, converted again, it compiled fine but same result; broken materials. I fixed them all but everything still looks wrong. The shadows are pitch black, any shadow that touches a bridge asset is black.
Yes it crashed in a file named like d3d11rhi.cpp, could fix those crashes by selecting directx 12 in project settings.
Now everything looks fine and stable.
Maybe disable or enable lumen for the shadows but I am guessing you already tried this?
yeah, no difference
Also have problem migrating to Preview 1. My skeletal meshes broke. Looks like the problem was in fbx version of skeletal mesh. Here’s the topic with solution. Still dont know if its a bug or new requirements.
Yes, i migrated a project started on 5 ealry acess and the only issue was lighting not going trough transluscent objects, in this case windows, i only had to deactivate “cast raytrayced shadows” on the material and the issue was fixed, and can say with cerainty ligthing looks looks better, way less artifacts, translucency is not bugged anymore, and the performance for the editor and the inerface is much better too.
How do you migrate without an issue?
I have problems too, materials are broken, and the CHAOS system does not work properly.