I would like to know if its possible to render the character mesh at a higher FOV while keeping the normal FOV unchanged? And I just can’t seem to comprehend actual programming so if it can be done through Blueprints that would help tremendously.
You need 2 cameras, one that has a regular FOV that film the entire scene except for the character, and another camera that has a special FOV that films just the player. Then you need to merge the 2 images.
A trick would be to use a scene capture 2D camera, and in its setting you can select which character you want it to record, in this case it would be your character. a scene capture 2D will save it’s output as a texture that you can use in a material.
What you need to do now is create a post process material where you would merge yourscene, with the captured character.
This is doable via blueprint, but if you are a beginner, I would recommend understanding the three previously mentioned steps by becoming familiar with the techniques I mentioned:
Post process material:
Scene Capture 2D: