Hi Everyone,
Please help me with this build error. It’s killing me.
I’m working on a multiplayer mobile game with a dedicated server. I built the game on ios successfully before I implement the server, but after I followed this guide and implement a dedicated server, I always gets an build error.
Here is the guide: )
The dedicated server and windows 64-bit were built successfully on Windows. (so i didn’t do anything wrong with the guide) But when I try to build the client side to IOS on my Mac I get a build error.
Here is the log: link text
Again, the game has been successfully built on MAC before the dedicated server implement. Also, I tried both C++ and Blueprint third person controller default projects, and they built successfully for IOS on my MAC.
I will wait online for answers. Please someone kindly help me to fix this build error. Thank you guys so much!
PS: The C++ and Blueprint third person controller default projects that I tried to build on MAC didn’t implement dedicated server, so this only means my Mac can build both C++ project and Blueprint project successfully.
I’m used a local SVN to transfer the project (dedicated server implement done) to my Mac and then trying to build from my Mac. (only for IOS client, didn’t try server)
I tried both in UE4 and Frontend, they all give me the an error. Not sure if they are the same error. The log that i provide is from Frontend.
Thank you for helping me!
When you are transferring the project files, are you transferring everything? As in, all what is in this screenshot:

No. I didn’t transfer everything. I followed the SVN guide on wiki, so I only transferred: Config, Content, Source and the uproject file. Then, well I guess this answers your last question: I did replicate what the Dedicated Server Guide on my Mac again. But. I’m not sure if I did it right on Mac.
I did following steps after SVN to my mac:
I downloaded the source unreal engine from github to my mac and built it for development editor.
I double clicked the sln file and opened the project in Xcode, then built it for development editor.
I tried to build on ios then failed.
Just for clarification, are you trying to run the dedicated server on Windows and then build the iOS client on Mac, then connect to the Windows dedicated server from the iOS device?
Or, are you trying to rebuild the dedicated server on Mac after building it on Windows?
Run the dedicated server on Windows and build the iOS client on Mac. And then use the iOS client to join windows dedicated server.
I wish I can build the iOS client on Windows, but it gives me a x-code missing error.
Okay, thank you again for helping me.
It’s going to take a while to get 4.12 compiled on our Mac but I will let you know what my results are when it is done.
When you are building on the Mac, are you running UE4 from XCode or are you launching UE4 from the .uproject?
Hey JasperWho,
I was able to package my game fine.
A few things to make sure are set when you are packaging on the Mac, for iOS:
- iOS Package settings are correct, as in the certificate and provision are set as well as the Bundle ID matching that of the provision.
- You are running UE4 from the standalone app, as in UE4Editor.app and not from XCode. You can also open the standalone app via the .uproject for your project.
- Target hardware is Mobile / Tablet
Also, there is a known issue with Mac where you need to compile some of the programs. They are:
- ShaderCompilerWorker as Development
- UnrealLightmass as Development
- CrashReporterClient as Shipping
Thank you! I will try to build again with your solutions. I will let you know if I succeed or not.
After a few tries, I finally built the game on iOS. But the sad part is when iOS client connect to the server on my Windows, the gameplay don’t start at all and put me back to main menu again. (it connects to the server, but the gameplay don’t start on my iphone.) It gives me this in the log on my Windows server -log:
link text
PS: The log have two parts: before ios connect and after ios connect.
Again the windows side client connect to the server with no problem.
Thank you for helping me again!.
Hey JasperWho,
I suggest looking into the two warnings you are getting:
Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Create_ReturnValue
Arena01_C /Game/Maps/Arena01.Arena01:PersistentLevel.Arena01_C_1
Function /Game/Maps/Arena01.Arena01_C:ExecuteUbergraph_Arena01:0081
[2016.08.19-22.26.05:213][ 0]LogScript:Warning: Script call stack:
Function /Game/Maps/Arena01.Arena01_C:ReceiveBeginPlay
Function /Game/Maps/Arena01.Arena01_C:ExecuteUbergraph_Arena01
[2016.08.19-22.26.05:234][ 0]LogScript:Warning: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue
Arena01_C /Game/Maps/Arena01.Arena01:PersistentLevel.Arena01_C_1
Function /Game/Maps/Arena01.Arena01_C:ExecuteUbergraph_Arena01:00D7
[2016.08.19-22.26.05:250][ 0]LogScript:Warning: Script call stack:
Function /Game/Maps/Arena01.Arena01_C:ReceiveBeginPlay
Function /Game/Maps/Arena01.Arena01_C:ExecuteUbergraph_Arena01