Invisible RR Damage and Track Volumes are Visible in Live Games

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



RR Damage and Track Volumes are set to be invisible by default, however in a live game, these volumes are visible- which effects the aesthetics of the gaming experience for the player.
After the most recent update, it appears that they are more prominently viewable.

Steps to Reproduce

Create your RR game.
Place a RR Damage Volume and if needed an RR Track Volume.
Publish the Map

Expected Result

RR Damage Volumes and RR Track Volumes should be invisible during a live game by default.

Observed Result

RR Damage Volumes and RR Track Volumes are visible



Additional Notes

Please review vod for review

Thank you so much for all you do, Epic! You are appreciated!

Can confirm this is happening on my RR map as well. I even tried to make the components invisible in the details tab but it still shows up in the published game.

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I have the same issue :confused:

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The status of FORT-742095 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

Also experiencing this.