I’m trying to follow the blueprint tutorials that are up on the youtube channel but in episode 2 the guy turns off the visibility of the light. This option is not in my details panel under the light.
Even in blueprint the options to toggle the visibility aren’t there.
Am I doing something wrong or is there a different way to do this?
Zak in the tutorial asks you to turn off the light in the details panel under rendering, this option isn’t there.
When you open up the level blueprint the options he searches for aren’t there. Like turn on/off the light and the toggle visibility. I don’t know if this is under a different thing or not
Alright…at around 3.15 he is selecting the point light that is in the scene and you are selecting the mesh. Click on the light’s icon under that ceiling lamp and you should be able to see it.
Well i just created a new project and it looks like the light is there so you must have deleted it by mistake. But as i said, just create a new one and continue. Dont worry about how and why you could have deleted it.
This is a bit of a stale response but I thought I would chime in.
The newer starter maps have the sconce lights and hanging lights already made from blueprints and so there is no light in the scene to select even though you can see them lighting the room. I remember running into this and at first its a bit bewildering. Zaks scene in the demo is made with the light sconce and the point light as separate objects.
If you skip forward a couple of tutorials then he actually makes a whole light blueprint from scratch and you can follow that one along.