Introducing Unreal Dev Grants

After recovering from pax east pox, and updated vistics to unreal 4.7, I sent it in last week from my .edu email

Congrats to the new award recipients! I’m curious though, the first day was said to have 60 submissions. We have 6 announced winners so far, is that 6 for 6 or 6 out of a larger group?

Thank you Epic for believing in me! And thanks for being the best partner ever!

Congrats Adrian! Your game looks awesome. Excited to see more in the near future. :smiley:

Should the prototype be packaged to be played or is a video of gameplay adequate?

They say send as much as you can. If it isn’t too much trouble you should do both. Put your best foot forward. =)

If you have a gameplay video from your UE4 prototype, you’re ready to rock! I personally only submitted a video and not an actual staging build so it might be good to get another opinion on this. They did say on multiple occasions that the video as long as it’s from a prototype in the engine is sufficient. If you do have a concept doc, screenshots, concept art, any of the above, absolutely send that as it will give the judges as much information about your game and better your chances. Can’t wait to see what you’re working on! :smiley:

If I finish my demo anytime soon, I’d like to join the race.

Is this project gonna stay alive for… mmh… being conservative, 1 year?.

The project stays alive as long as the money pool is not exhausted.

It has been a month since the dev grants came in, and we have not yet received a message or notification of any kind. Will we also receive a message in the case we will not get a ? Even a simple message as ‘no’ would be great, so that we can plan accordingly for our game’s future and its financial situation.

Yep. Agree, we would still love you though. :slight_smile:

Be patient guys, we just submitted our projects and we are #21508, so there sure is a hell lot of spam for them to check through (at least i hope those are not 21k high quality projects :D). Keep up your development and do not plan in any money, as chances are pretty low any of us will get a share.

Remember spamming for updates/replies will not get things done any faster, it just makes people involved more annoyed.

You got a reply with a number? Is that something new or did get a number?

I got two emails as confirmation, one stating the id and an email to reply to in case of additional information “” and the other that they get spammed and a reply can take longer along with a nice phrasing that people should stop sending them **** they made up 2 hours ago ;).

There is this passage:

…which basically means that no, you are not guranteed to ever get an answer for your submission. At least that’s what that means to me, maybe an official should speak up if it is planned to send out “nope” emails at a later point.

I never got a number. You sure that isn’t the auto response said to disregard? I think that was a CS thing, and nothing to do with the Dev Grants.

Huh, maybe it’s a new thing then cause I’ve gotten none of those.

I wonder how many they have received? We haven’t heard anything outside of the initial 60 before the stream announcement. It’s unfortunate that we won’t hear back if we aren’t chosen, never knowing if your project hasn’t been reviewed yet or wasn’t selected. =/

Just a note on a typo on the Unreal Dev Grants page:

“We’d love to see class projects, engine extentions, curricula, tutorials, or any other creative or innovative work related to UE4 and education.”
should be “extensions” not “extentions

Congrats to all dev grants winners and applicants, the projects looks so great.

We just send our application, and we hope you like our project. We´re students and this is our end-degree project. Is a fighting game with a futuristic look.

Last video:


Here is our thread: UE4 Student project - Hit Me Hard (H.M.H) - Fighting game - Game Development - Epic Developer Community Forums

Hey Cman2k,

Thank you so much for noticing this misspelling. I’ve entered in a report to have this corrected. If for any reason you need to reference this report, please refer to: UEDOC-1421

Have a wonderful day!