Hi everybody
Please i’m trying to do some networking system for my game (School Project) with C++, the only example i found is the FirstPersonShooter for the creation of session, matchmaking and stuff like that, for now all i have done is integrating Online.h to my project and tried to create a class that manage session
But at first attempt a tried class ¨My_API ASessionTest : public AGameSession
FOnCreateSessionCompleteDelegate OnCreateSessionCompleteDelegate;
but it don’t regonize AGameSession neither FOnCreateSessionCompleteDelegate
It seem like there is a tutorial who show how to integrate ThirdPersonShooter to your project, but i don’t have enough permission to acces to it http://forums.epicgames.com/threads/974712-Tutorials-Guide-Create-Multiplayer-Games-for-UE4.
Does somone knew another tutorial or can explain me how to use the session system, even after reading https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/Online/Interfaces/Session/index.html i still not figure out how to use it. What kind of class shloud i create (Actor,GameState etc) ?, which library must i include ? and how to create a session
Thank you