Hi everyone,
How do i make it possible to create a OS file browser (windows explorer and/or mac) from ingame using the unreal engine. We would like to load an image/picture into the game to use this picture as a background texture.
Our technical flow looks like this:
Click a button that opens explorer, where i can look for a suitable image or video
Select the right image/video and then load this into the game
Set the image into a texture2D variable
(Maha Vajra)
January 10, 2016, 3:52pm
Re-asking this. I want my users to save multiple games, no overwrite the only one possible, or by mistake, take a name already taken.
August 4, 2017, 9:40am
Bump… Need this too. Is there really only the hard way of creating your own Slate Tree Viewer: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
And combine it with logic like this:
or again thx to Rama:
I also tried to get Drag n Drop working in a way to get a filepath, but the right Message isnt fired:
Hi, I have to make my game's window capable of reacting to drag&drop operations coming from the outside of the application (especially windows), like dragging a png-file from my desktop into my application (e.g. to be able to get its filepath)....
In the Unity Asset Store is the kind of plug-in i’am searching for, strange that there is nothing similar in the Unreal Marketplace…
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Bump again, this idea is very interresting and could be useful !
January 18, 2018, 5:16pm
For Windows API Fileexplorer take a look here:
I'm working on an app that allows users to load in 3D models. Therefore, a file dialog of sorts is needed. When I made something similar back in Unity, I had to create my own file browser widget. It's a lot of work and has some unavoidable...