Indirect Lighting of Stationary Light is seriously wrong?!

I’m using one or more stationary point light for dynamic intensity indirect lighting in my room.

I placed a point light, set intensity as 5000, build. Then I got a good scene.

Then I set intensity as 0 without building. I got a wrong result:

After building I got correct result:

From documention:

Light type that can change its color and brightness at runtime but cannot move, rotate or change influence size.

It seems a bug that render doesn’t change intensity of indirect lighting precomputed by lightmass.

I want to simulate dynamic indirect lighting for a movable directional light. I choose to use several point lights.

But I got this problem. Is there any workaround or alternative method?

I don’t want to use LPV because it’s slow and fake.

This is my expectation:

NOTICE that all of point lights are invisible because I need indirect lighting only.

Shame you got ignored on this question because the answer is very simple to explain:

“Light type that can change its color and brightness at runtime but cannot move, rotate or change influence size.”
That only applies to its direct lighting, the indirect lighting of stationary lights are built into the Static Lightmap which cannot be changed dynamically (since it has info on every light baked into one, rather than a seperate map for each light).

My advice is to never read the documentation, it’s full of missleading information like the above qoute.