Increase NavLink Proxy range for use with portals? (C++ or Blueprint)

I’m looking for some help with using Nav Links to connect two points at any distance. I’m not actually using specifically portals, but it’s the same basic concept, so it’s easier to just consider portals for discussion. I just need to link two specific points without the range restriction.

I’ve only found this post regarding this topic, but there was no answer:

Does anyone know if there is actually a max distance in place somewhere in the engine code that I could modify, or is this something more complicated regarding the navmesh? I can’t seem to find the reason why the range is limited. Or perhaps a different approach might be best, I’m not sure. The only hacky workaround I have at the moment is using literal stepping stones to create a chain of navlinks to connect two far away points, but that gets messy with small complex levels.

Thank you

Seems like the range is directly linked to the navmesh tile size, as in it can only go across a max XY distance of 1 tile. So I guess I’ll just increase to the largest possible tile size that works for now.

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