Incompatible Reference with SKEL Type

I am following this Tut: - YouTube

And Right off the bat I have an issue…

In 4.5 I am not able to drag and connect the GET SKYSPHERE to Drag out a node to Update Sun Direction.

When I attempt to drag out the node,I get the following : BP SKY SPHERE C REFERENCE is not compatible with SKEL BP Sky Sphere C Reference…


I had this issue as well with 4.5 it seems to be caused by the new menu system in 4.5.

Delete any nodes that reference a “SKEL…” type and compile the blueprint, now go into your Editor Preferences and under the Experimental tab, turn OFF the Use new Blueprint Menu System setting.

Go back to the blueprint and it will work for you again. This seems to have been fixed in version 4.6 preview that uses the new menu by default, so you shouldn’t have any trouble when upgrading to 4.6 when it is released.

Here is the post I made back when I first encountered this with some more info:

Hope that fixes it for you!

…Heheeh right on that was the issue!!! Thanks!!