In VR after certain distance texture looks blurry with jaggy edges

You can try, makes it worse, I assume…

then what is the best solution for that ?

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its looks like previous one, same blurry

Unless someone comes along here with a great idea, I think the solution is ‘don’t use geometric floor patterns’.

A lot of working with the engine, is side-stepping issues.

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okay, i will try

thanks for your valuable support and time, it was very valuable inputs from you, i will definitely apply in my future projects, if i stuck somewhere i will post issue to learn from experts

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You’re welcome.

If you feel there might be a better answer, you can always try posting again… :slight_smile:

yes sure, i am doing R&D for the same, i think there must be an answer.

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Perhaps setting the anistropic filtering might help

At 0
r.MaxAnisotropy 0

at 32
r.MaxAnisotropy 32


i didnt get it

i tried anisotropy setting in VR template engine settings , but i didnt get the solution

Annotation 2024-08-06 170541
i tried this setting also, but not getting result, it will be helpfull for me if you explain it.

It’s changed in the engine through the commands line or by an console command bp

Command line

The higher the number the sharper it will get (but the more taxing it will be)

You need to put it in the blueprint if you want it to set every time the game starts (probably best in some sort of game setting bp)


yes , got it !!!, but by putting 32 value , my experience lag, shall i reduce it for smooth experience ?

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Try 2,4,8,16 and see at which value it is ok and smooth

yes sure , thanks a lot for your time and advice

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Do we get to see it now?.. :slight_smile:

yes, its looking good at value of 32, i will try it from 2, 4, 6, 8 and stop it where the lag didnt comes

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