In VR after certain distance texture looks blurry with jaggy edges

In VR headset Quest 2 and Quest 3 , i saw this floor checker texture blurry , i tried texture map settings also but there is no solution found.

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I think that’s anti aliasing, actually ( not texture mips ).

Easiest thing, frankly, is to not use this kind of floor :rofl:

You could try making the tiles larger. Or changing anti-alias method…

no anti aliase settingsa are ok, i think its texture problem or setting, when i remove texture from floor, floor looks good , but when i apply texture to floor , it looks blurry at certain distance

My money’s on AA :sweat_smile:

i set it to MSAA with 8X samples

i set it to MSAA with 8X samples

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How AA works, is it makes things fuzzy in the distance. Exactly what you’re experiencing :slight_smile:

( well, not actually in the ‘distance’, but tries to remove jagged edges, and this floor will have more in the distance )

yes the issue remains same, at certain distance it looks jaggy and blurry in all king of textures, i tried it, what is the best solution for it ?

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There could well be a specific VR solution I’m unaware of, I can’t find anything.

In the meantime, I’d avoid placing geometric textures at an acute angle to the camera like this. I’m assuming if you put this on the wall, it’s not such a problem?

on wall it not given problem, only on floor it gives problem , after certain distance

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what should i do for floor ?

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Unless you come up with a miracle, you need to use a non-geometric pattern for the floor… :melting_face:

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but on non geometric floor, texture looks blurry and jaggy, then also problem will be same

Can you show that?

working on this, wait

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see the area after red line,texture looks blurry, that the main isuue we are facing.

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Yes, I see it :slight_smile:

Have you also turned off motion blur?

yes, motion blur is turned off in engine settings

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I don’t think there’s an answer… :sweat_smile:

shall i turn it ON in engine settings ?

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