I didn’t know about this limitation BUT… we can now create custom python scripts for the editor so maybe you can write a script to import “hundreds or thousands” of meshes one by one in such automated way? unreal.AssetImportTask — Unreal Python 4.27 (Experimental) documentation
Currently, as noted in the documentation here, when you import multiple meshes in a single file, only the first mesh’s custom collision will be imported. Are there plans to improve this? The ability to import hundreds or thousands of meshes in one document is wildly useful for modular sets (so that you can reimport and manage everything with one document as changes are made) but it is crippled by the inability to import multiple custom collisions at the same time.
Forgive me for not knowing where to find whether or not this is in the roadmap.
Thanks for the tip. Really looking to see if it could have official support. I anticipate going back and making a decent number of changes to my modular set and I don’t really have the scripting chops to get Blender and UE4 up to speed with automating hundreds of files.